We Provide Individual Support

At Enlighten Homes, we provide individual support to our clients

Learning Disabilities


We Provide Support

we support those in need so that they can live independently as possible

Our Homes



Providing The Right Individual Support

We provide the right individual support to clients and create gateways leading to new beginnings through supported living in East London.

Since Enlighten Home was established, our community-based mental healthcare and rehabilitation service has grown in East London. We specialise in working with men and women aged 18 and upwards with a lead mental health diagnosis…

Our Services

Enlighten Home can help you build your own package of support, focusing on your own specific needs and what you want to achieve. If you have mental health and learning disability needs, we can support you towards recovery.

Enlighten Homes is a creative and innovative  Supported Housing  Project providing 24 hour staffed Medium to High support and close monitoring support to people with mental health problems, learning disabilities with complex needs including dual diagnosis working in partnership with Statutory Community Mental Health Teams, Community Learning Disability Teams and other statutory, non-statutory charitable voluntary agencies to help meet the needs of service users who are homeless or facing homelessness and who are in need of accommodation and medium to high support.

Supported living in East London recovery

Recovery Management

We can help to steer decisions during the more challenging aspects of recovery, such as having trouble finding a job, knowing when to talk with the doctor about medication, or recognising new symptoms or triggers of a relapse.

Enlighten Home is designed to integrate residents into the community and reduce their reliance on acute care settings.

Supported living in East London support


We support clients with schizophrenia, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, psychotic illnesses, learning disabilities and personality disorders. With clients, we promote:

Emotional support

Support with Medication

Assistance with Daily Living Skills

Supported living in East London Residential services

Residential Services

With our 24/7 staff support, Enlighten Home is designed to provide a comfortable and home-like environment where each resident can feel safe and at home. Our high staff-to-resident ratio promotes greater focus and more intimate care consistently resulting in positive outcomes including higher levels of resident development.

Our Supported Living Accomodations in East London

As part of our supported living services we help our clients gain the confidence and life skills they need to realise their potential and build the foundations for independent living. We do this by providing a safe and secure environment, where the support is tailored to individual needs. We support people to lead happy and healthy lives. We work together with people to help them make the changes they want for a better life. Our expertise in supported housing and services enables us ensure our clients feel valued and empowered to choose the support they need.

Larkshall road supported living chingford

Enlighten Home at Larkshall

Supported living Waverley road chingford

Enligthen Home at Waverley

Supported living in East London

Service User Referral Process & Eligibility Criteria

Service User Referrals for the Supported Housing Service are accepted from Community Mental Health Teams, Community Learning Disability Teams and any other housing, social care, private or voluntary organisations for adults aged 18+ with mental health problems/learning disabilities including dual diagnosis who require a range of housing support to live in the community.

We accept referrals for Supported Housing from any borough in the UK and clients do not need to have a local connection. It is most helpful if a service user being referred has an allocated care co-ordinator or is linked in with, on a duty basis a community mental health team or community learning disability team. Once a client is assessed as being suitable for our service, we would formulate a Proposed Support Package that would usually need to be presented to a Funding Panel by the allocated care co-ordinator or duty social worker in order to process the request for funding for the proposed placement.

–  The identified service user must have an allocated worker who is responsible for co-ordinating the support plan that is established for the placement.

–   A referral application form must be completed. Included with the referral form, there must be a risk assessment/management plan (relapse action plan); relevant reports, comprehensive needs led assessment / Care Programme Approach Care Plan, psychiatric reports and other relevant medical reports.

Once a referral has been accepted and the referring agency have (in principle) agreed to fund a placement we will invite the service user and the allocated worker/care co-ordinator to the project to find out directly from the service user their feelings about the prospective placement and discuss the service in some depth.

The costs / pricing of placements is determined by the level of support needed to maintain and develop service user needs. Please contact Home Manager for further details.

why us?

Client Reviews

Our staff are proud to be part of Enlighten Home that supports its clients to gain the life skills and confidence they need to help them live more independently. Our expertise in supported housing and services enables us ensure our clients feel valued and empowered to choose the support they need. 

“My client has a long history of residential placements which have broken down because of his complex needs. Enlighten have been able to manage him longer than any other placement so far. They are doing this by sensitively balancing his need for choice and self-determination with doing what is necessary to manage the considerable risks he presents to himself and others, and encouraging harm minimization. They liaise closely with other agencies, such as the GP and the local CMHT, building a functioning network to support my client. I find them to have a solid value base which enables them to deal with him in a way which respects his lifestyle choices”

Senior Practitioner in Social Work New Malden CMHT

What services

Does Our Supported Living in East London Provide?

The type and amount of support provided varies from person to person, depending on their particular needs. We provide a 24-hour support. Individual packages of support might include help with:

Choosing where you want to live
Managing your tenancy
Managing your money and benefits
Personal care and assistance with tasks such as shopping and cooking
Accessing education opportunities
Finding voluntary or paid employment
Taking part in social and leisure activities and community life
Making and maintaining friendships and relationships
Daily monitoring and progress


It is vitally important to us at Enlighten Home that we treat the people we support with respect and kindness at all times. We exist to provide care and support to adults with learning disabilities and or mental health disorders and this means they must always be safeguarded by us from any harm. We have very comprehensive systems in place to self regulate and guard against bad practice. However we need to make clear that if anyone observes a person we support being mistreated by anyone or in any situation, this must be reported to us immediately so we can take prompt action to make the victim safe. Please be assured that Enlighten Homes welcomes and values all and any information that helps us to ensure the safety and welfare of the people we support at all times. All such alerts and information will be fully investigated and all those who raise concerns can do it here have the option to do it anonymously. If you have any concerns (no matter how small) please raise them with us. We can assure you that we will take immediate action. Enlighten Home would like to thank you for your concern.